Sunday, April 23, 2006

I've moved!

Everybody say, "Goodbye,"

It's time to move on.

Weep not, for a far more colorful world awaits you.

And has a three-column layout and a calendar linked to past posts.


Click it, and be happy.

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Guest blogger

To celebrate the grand opening of my new blog tomorrow, my Mom will be guest blogging! Well, I guess technically she's already done it. She wrote up a funny little piece about what she learned when she was visiting me and I'll be posting it tomorrow on the typepad blog. Woohoo! I'm excited to finally launch that thing. It's very colorful, just to warn you. Also, you should know that the 100th visitor to the new blog will win a brand new car!

Ha. TOTALLY kidding there. You won't win anything for reading my blog, except my ever-lasting love and gratitude.

And isn't that reward enough?


This is pretty sweet. It's 9am and my host parents are AWAKE AND OUT OF THE HOUSE. For those of you who don't know...I always wake up before they do on weekends. They never get up before 10:30, and sometimes it's closer to noon or 1 if they had a dinner party the night before. They went out to do some food shopping, which means that I can play music and clean my room. Woohoo! It's pretty much a pigsty. I haven't cleaned up my stuff from my artist's date on Thursday and I went shopping yesterday. Plus when I was gone on Thurs, the housekeeper moved a rack of my laundry into my room and I haven't bothered to put it away yet. So yeah, I gotta take care of that stuff.

This is my last weekend of true vacation. I know you guys don't feel sorry for me, and you really shouldn't, but I don't want to go back to doing homework, minimal as it is. I don't even remember what I was supposed to do over break, so today and tomorrow are the days that I'll be cleaning, writing, probably some scrapping, doing some yoga, and a bit of homework to boot. So do you want to hear about Thursday and Friday? Of course you do. Here we go.

First of all, I just wanna say that Thursday was AMAZING. I was a tiny bit apprehensive just because I didn't know the town where I was going at all and I was going to be spending a whole day there by myself. It was actually a piece of cake. I went to the tourism office when I got there and asked for directions to the outlet mall. The nice lady there pointed me in the direction of the bus and off I went. Granted, I almost got on the bus going in the wrong direction, but that was ok because I had nothing but time. Nothing that had to be done, no one I had to meet, just a whooooooole day to do whatever I wanted.

2006041901When I got off the bus, this is the sign I saw. Isn't it glorious? "Marques" means brands, by the way. Four whole buildings filled with nothing but outlet shops. I spent more than half the day there, but amazingly enough, I didn't buy anything. The problem with outlet shopping is that they have a lot of ugly stuff that people didn't buy last season and won't buy this season either. Or they only have size extra extra small, which even the French women can't wear. There were a couple of things that tempted me, mainly a gorgeous black and white dress and a purple, black and white skirt, but they only had one size and it was one size too small. I think if I had sat down the dress would've ripped in two. But it looked so good when I was standing up!! Haha. I just couldn't justify it.

After I was done wandering the outlets, I took the bus back into town and wandered around taking pictures. I went into a bunch of little shops, found some churches and interesting doors to shoot, and then bought a sandwhich for dinner and ate it in the park. The weather was perfect - it was sunny and warm with a little bit of a breeze. I got a lot of funny looks when I was walking around with my camera...I don't think Troyes sees a whole lot of tourists, not compared to Paris. I think what drew the MOST funny looks (you'll appreciate this, Mom) is when I was practically lying down on an island in the middle of a traffic circle, trying to shoot a statue and also get the flowers at its base in the shot. I was doing that with the 35mm, so I'll let you know how that turns out.

Yeah, it was pretty much a perfect day. And yesterday wasn't half bad either. My friend's dad had commissioned me to do some family portraits in front of the Eiffel tower, so I went and did that yesterday morning. Her siblings were really cute, even though the 3 year old was afraid of cameras. I'm sure I got some good shots of them. It was really fun...definitely challenging for me but really enjoyable and a good experience. I'm really excited to see how the shots came out. Gotta finish that roll this weekend to get it developed on Monday.

After that, I dropped off my camera stuff and headed to the mall. SHOPPING SHOPPING!!! I had budgeted a certain amount to spend at the outlets, but after about half an hour in Promod it was all gone. I ended up buying two skirts, a tanktop, a pair of shoes, and a pair of earrings. You have got to see these skirts, they're the most adorable things ever.
I am so loving this style. It's not tight and it's good for short people with stumpy legs. The only thing you have to be careful of is wearing a shirt that's really long, as is in fashion now. If you wear a shirt like that with a skirt like this, it makes your butt look like it's about 3 feet wide. Trust me, that's how it looked in the dressing room.

Anyway, I met up with a couple friends after I was done shopping and we took a nice stroll around Paris, bought some stuff for dinner, and made salad and pasta. Mmm. We went to the movies after dinner...Ice Age 2!! I would highly recommend this movie. Hiliarous. It actually seemed kind of scary for a kids movie. There were definitely some sinister elements there. But yes, you should go see it. Pixar makes amazing movies and that's all there is to it. The Incredibles? Anyone? Anyone?
**eta**thank you whoever pointed out that Ice Age 2 is actually NOT a Pixar movie. Oops lol. One of my friends told me it was and I don't really pay attention to stuff like that.

Alright, I gotta clean my room now. And I have an announcement! TOMORROW will be the launch of my brand spankin' new typepad blog. You all better go see it, 'cause I gotta start paying for it in 3 days. I figured there was no sense in not using it once the free trial expired. So yes, check back tomorrow for a brand new blog, including a brand new scheme, seeing as I'm incapable of not fixing what's not broken.

Oh, ok, just for good measure, here's the shirt I bought.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Ponytail envy

Yes, I admit it, I have ponytail envy. I actually have my hair up in a ponytail right now, but it's kind of pathetic. I had to use 7 bobbypins just to hold all the hair back. And it hardly counts as a ponytail, because a ponytail is supposed to drape. Mine just sticks straight out of the elastic band, and it doesn't move. Not at all. If I shake my head to try and get it to move, it just looks like one of those little ridiculous dogs whose whole backend wags when they try to wag their tail. I'm working on growing my hair out...I'm hoping to have a bit more of a ponytail by the time I come home for the summer. And that's only 34 days away, can you believe it? Wow.

I scrapped today! I have to say, I'm getting a little irritated with Photoshop. For some reason, it super-saturates whatever I have open. Or maybe my computer is dying and the colors are dim in everything except Photoshop. But it's really a pain, because I'll do a layout or do some color correction on a photo or something like that and then as soon as I open it in the finder or another program, it's all washed out. Anybody know what's going on?

Anyway, here's the page I did this morning. Kraft paper by Sara Carling, stitches by Gina Miller. Font is Plantagenet Cherokee.

I also went out and shot for about 2 hours. A lot of it was documentary type photos - the restaurants where I eat, the view from my metro, different signs near my house, etc. I also went up to La Defense and took a bunch of shots there. Here are some of my favorites. Some of them are blatant rip-offs from stuff Mom did last week. Thanks, Mom.

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I think the lil froggie is my favorite. He's sitting in the mouth of a bigger frog. Sooo cute. Also, I realize that the multicolored fountain thing is totally blown out - I like it that way. Anyway, tomorrow I'll be gone all day and it's rather doubtful I'll post tomorrow night. I will be shopping and shooting all day and I am SO excited. It's an extended artist's date, really. I think my train gets back into Paris around 10pm, so I won't be back home til almost 11. Yeah, I don't think I'll be blogging tomorrow.

Just so you know, this is totally unlike me. The whole daytrip thing, I mean. I usually wouldn't even dream of doing something like this alone, but it's good for me to step outside of my comfort zone. Hopefully I'll come back with some cool shots. I think I'm bringing both cameras and my tripod - I have the time, why not be patient and set up the shots? So beans. When was the last time you heard someone use that phrase? I bet it was a long time ago. I'm sorry, I'm rambling. I'm hungry. My host dad just informed me that he's going to pick up my host mom from work and then they're going to go food shopping, so I'm on my own for dinner. That's good on 2 counts. One, I don't have to eat endive salad, and two, there will actually be food in the house. And they're buying me avocados!! Yay! I think I might have told him to buy me a couple of lawyers instead of a couple of avocados...I'm still not sure about the pronunciation difference between those two words. Anywhoo, I'm gonna go find something to eat. Maybe the rest of the pancakes I made this morning...I was going to save them for tomorrow, but I can hear them calling my name from down in the fridge.

I must answer the call.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Canard! Canard!

Ok, I have some pictures for you! I decided not to do a recap of the whole week. It would take too long and I don't think anybody would really be interested except for me and Mom. So, I'll just give you some pictures instead. Like I said yesterday...Mom took all of these.

This one was taken at the top of the Arc de Triomphe looking down into the staircase. We were standing up there trying to get a picture of the spiral when all of a sudden most of the lights went out. Mom whirled around, thinking that I had backed into a lightswitch or something. Nope, wasn't me. Turns out the whole thing lost power. We got to stay up there for maybe 10 minutes before all the guards came around and said that they were closing and we had to leave. Man, that was disappointing. At least she got this picture. She did take a couple from the top, but I like this one the best.


No, I'm not taking a picture of my hand. It's called bracketing. And it looks funny.


I know I look really pissed off here, but really I wasn't. She caught me right when I turned around to give her the cone and I wasn't expecting her to be taking a picture. Oops.


Ok this was definitely one of the most hilarious things we saw all week. We were shooting at the Palais Royal gardens near a big fountain. While we were there, a few little kids showed up with their grandparents. This little girl noticed the ducks in the fountain. She started to lean over the water and shout at the ducks, trying to get them to come over to her. She just kept yelling "Canard!! Canard!!!" (Duck!! Duck!!!). Needless to say, the ducks didn't really want to go see her. She didn't care. She just followed them around the fountain, yelling at the top of her lungs. Maybe you had to be there, but trust me, it was hilarious.


Mom's drug of choice. Normal coffee (essentially coffee that's not espresso) is a little hard to come by in France, especially if you want a cup to go. We went to this cafe near our hotel and Mom thought it was the cutest thing ever. Of course it pretty much was, and I love this shot. PS - just because the croissants are sitting in a basket on your table does not mean they're free.

And I think that's all your getting for now. I took a lot of the same shots that Mom did and hers came out well, so I'm really excited to see mine. I just won't think too much about how much it's going to cost me to get all the rolls developed. At least I'm just getting negs and not actual prints. I think right now I'm going to do some yoga. I'm sooo stiff from walking around so much last week, paradoxically. I think it actually had less to do with the walking and more to do with carrying my bag or my backpack (full of camera stuff) all week. Plus I just feel so groggy today. I went for a brief walk (really brief, only half an hour) this afternoon, hoping the fresh air would wake me up a bit. It didn't. The next step is doing some yoga. I have some pics from last week that I'd like to scrap after dinner, if I get around to it. I don't see any reason why I wouldn't. I'm actually getting back on the Artist's Way bandwagon today, and it turns out that I'm jumping right back into the week of reading deprivation. That means no reading other people's blogs, no going on scrap sites, no reading magazines. I'm on vacation - I should be finding ways to amuse myself other than filling my head with stuff other people have written. I'm actually doing a solo daytrip on Thursday to Troyes, a medieval type town that has 3 outlet malls on its outskirts. Woohoo!! I badly need some new shoes. Plus I have a lot of low self-esteem outfits in my closet that I'd really like to replace. Yes, Will, I will be replacing them, not adding to them. What with the costs of bringing my luggage to Germany I'll have to pitch old clothes as I buy new ones. But I digress! I must do some yoga now.

Later dudes. Enjoy the pics.

Monday, April 17, 2006

I'm baaaaaack

Hello all,

Sorry to disappoint, but this is not going to be a long post. I'm kinda bummed about Mom being gone and I'm a little tired. Rather than making this a long whiny post, I will give you this picture to hold you over until I do a big recap of our week. I'm not even sure if a recap is necessary, because this is what we did:


We came.
We saw.
We shot.

And then, ate a croissant.

By the way, this is one of Mom's shots. I used the 35mm all week, so all the pictures you see will be hers. We were shooting at Palais Royal, which is definitely one of the coolest places photo-wise in Paris. Incidentally, this is also the only picture we have of the two of us. I love it.

I'll do a better post tomorrow, I promise.

Oh, one more thing...I will definitely be launching the new blog this week! Watch for it! Well, after I give you the address, which only a select few already have. Everybody at the'll laugh when you see the addy. Anyway, keep checking back, I'll be back to my regular posting schedule tomorrow.

Monday, April 10, 2006

Happy Monday!

And a good monday it was! I really thought today would go by sooooooo slowly, but thankfully, it didn't. Could be partially because I've only been up for 12 hours (it's 10pm now). I also spent a bunch of time this morning packing a duffel bag for Mom to take home. Actually, I think packing is the wrong word. "Cramming" is more like it. My poor little duffel bag is practically exploding at the seams. It kind of looks like it's in pain, honestly. It probably is. I'm guessing it weighs almost 50 pounds. If you could see it, you'd be very surprised something that small weighs that much. Seriously, it's only about 2 x 1 x 1 (feet, that is) and I can barely lift it. It's almost completely full of books.


I'm saying goodbye to all my scrapbook idea books and magazines. I'm also sending home a huge pile of letters that I've been sent since I've been here, mostly thanks to Gram (thank you!!), my big honkin' French dictionary (seriously, that's almost 5 pounds right there), a truckload of makeup stuff that I never use, all the CDs I have here, my beloved 2nd season of Arrested Development (really gonna miss that, but everything that isn't an essential had to go), all my knitting supplies, and any other random memorabilia that I want to keep but don't want to put in my luggage in 6 weeks.

That's right, 6 weeks, and I'll be gone. Holy crap. This semester has gone by soooooo fast.

Anyway, I don't want to get all mushy on you, so I'll just explain why I'm saddling my mother with an extra 50 pounds of luggage. Hmm, I could've sworn I blogged about this earlier this semester, but apparently not. So here's the story:

When I came back to Paris, I flew in on Air Berlin from Germany. I did not read the fine print about the baggage allowance for EU flights. I thought you were allowed 20 kg per piece of checked luggage.


You're only allowed 20kg per person.


Anybody want to guess how much I had, seeing as I had packed for a month?

Ok, I'll just tell you.

33 kg.

Now of course Air Berlin doesn't have a flat rate like most American airlines do, like if you're between 1 and 25 pounds over, it's this much money, between 26 and 50 it's this much, etc. Nope, they charge you by the kilo.

I had to pay them 50 euro to get my luggage on the plane. And they definitely felt sorry for me and bent the rules a little, because technically you're not even allowed to have more than 30kg no matter how much you pay. So suddenly my bargain basement flight of 30 euro turned into an 80 euro trip.

Yes, you guessed it. I'm flying Air Berlin back to Germany with EVERYTHING I OWN at the end of the semester.

Enter Pack Mule Mom.

I'm hoping that with most of the heavy stuff gone, I won't be over by quite so much. I really didn't want to fly Air Berlin again because in addition to the luggage fiasco, they had some major problems with my credit card. I don't really want to get into the whole thing in the interest of time, but it involved some very sketchy emails about them not being able to process my credit card and asking me to send them my bank information and me not believing said emails, even though it turns out they were real.

Customer service isn't a strong suit of Air Berlin's.

Anyway, enough of that. Mom will be here in roughly 13 hours! Hooray! I haven't packed yet, so I should probably go do that now.

Just to let you know - we will not have internet access at the hotel. I probably will not be posting again until Saturday. I know, it's sad, but true. I hope to post lots of pictures then. Me and mom are making dinner at my house on Saturday night because my host parents will be away and they gave me permission to use the kitchen, so I'll probably steal a bunch of mom's photos for my own personal use. You probably won't see any of my shots because I plan on using the 35mm all week. Just cross your fingers that the good people at the airport didn't make my mom put the film through the x-ray machine (she's bringing me 10 rolls).

I hope you all have a fabulous week!

A Samedi!

Sunday, April 09, 2006


So I heard the other day that a few of you were having trouble posting comments to the blog. Mom has emailed me my own blog several times, and while this is entertaining, I know that's not what she's trying to do. Let me do a brief tutorial to clear up any confusion.

Do you see the bottom of the post? It should say posted by Alexis at whatever time, x comments, and then an envelope icon.

The envelope icon does NOT post a comment. It emails the blog entry to whoever you want. To leave a comment, click on "x comments". A little box will pop up and you can put in your comment. Your choices for leaving your name are your blogger id, other, and anonymous. I'm assuming most of you (my relatives) don't have a blogger id. If you click on other, you can put in a name for yourself (like "Mom"). If you click anonymous, I have no way of knowing who commented unless you put your name in the BODY of the comment.

There. I explained it, Mom, all better now? lol

I'm kind of tired and a little hungry too. My host parents are going to be here tonight so I have to wait for them to eat. It's now 8pm and no sign of dinner yet. Guess I'll just keep typing until they call me.

I actually went on an artist's date today!! I haven't done one in so long. And this was something that was totally out of the ordinary for me. I took my sketchbook, some pens, and some colored pencils and went to the jardin du luxembourg, where I sat for almost an hour sketching ponies. In almost all of the gardens in Paris, and also on the lawn in front of the Eiffel tower, there are strings of poor ponies tied together, waiting for some little French kid to see them and then beg their parents (the kid's parents, not the ponies, mind you) for a ride. They charge an arm and a leg for the rides, but there's always a line. Today they had 2 strings of 5 ponies each. Actually, they weren't all ponies, there were a couple donkeys in there too. The poor things, they looked so sad and forlorn and just stood there staring off into space while they waited for the next batch of screaming children to be deposited on their backs.

So I drew them.

The sketches are pretty much awful. I discovered how difficult it is to draw an object that is constantly moving, even if it's not moving a lot. A slight shift of the legs, turning the head ever so slightly, and the perspective that I was so carefully sketching out no longer exists.

I would've liked to spend more time drawing in the gardens, but I was getting frustrated by the movement of the ponies. I would've drawn some trees or flowers or something, but the gardens weren't especially pretty. It was also windy. But mostly, I was getting greatly discouraged by my lack of skill.

I resolved to get better.

When I came back I googled "learn to draw" and found a website that's mean to help elementary school art teachers do their lesson plans. I can tell you that I succesfully completed four lessons meant to refine a 10 year old's technique. Woohoo. It was fun, though. I've never really been taught about perspective and vanishing points and all that fun stuff. I know the general concepts, but as far as applying those to a drawing? Yeah right. So yes, the site was helpful and I occupied myself for several hours doing that.

Guess what? I'll tell you...Mom's coming on Tuesday!! Yay!! I made up a pretty detailed itinerary including where we're going to eat and the prices of all the places I want to take her. Yeah, it's gonna be an expensive week, I'm not gonna lie. But it'll be FABULOUS. I'm especially looking forward to Wednesday night. Since my host mom is gone on a business trip all week, she won't be here to put on a dinner for me and Mom like she did for me and Will. Guillaume absolutely cannot cook, so he's taking me and Mom out to eat. It should be an extremely entertaining dinner, especially if he wants her to try different French foods. I have a sneaky suspicion he's going to take us to the most typically Parisian bistro he can think of and make her try escargot. I'm going to tell him not to, because I want to be the one to make her eat snails. haha. But anyway, it'll be a a good week. The only thing I'm disappointed about is that the trip to the D-Day beaches fell through. The train ticket prices went up, we would've had to rent a car, it's a long ways just got too complicated and expensive. I'm just going to go to the train website on Tuesday. That's when they post special 50% off fares good for that week. I'll pick a random destination, hopefully somewhere south of here, and that's where we'll go on Thursday. Who knows where we'll end up? It'll just be for the day because we already have the HILTON booked for the whole week she's here, just in case you forgot about that.

Yes, it'll be amazing.

If I don't starve to death before she gets here. Where is my dinner??? Haha just kidding, I'm in no danger of wasting away. I wish I were a *little* but closer, but I'll settle for being more toned. And I'm getting there! I did yoga twice today. I really impressed myself. My arms are totally getting stronger. Every time I do yoga, I do about 20-25 pushups in the course of the practice. For a girl who's never really done pushups, that's a lot. But it's been getting easier and I could swear that my arms are slightly more muscle-y now. Not too much, don't worry, Will. Female bodybuilders frighten me - I have no desire to look like them. It would just be nice not to be a size XL when I buy anything here.

Seriously, in France I am an EXTRA LARGE. Can I just say how ridiculous that is? But looking around, it's true. I'm bigger than almost every single woman that I see (except the pregnant ones, but that's kind of a hollow victory). It only bothers me when I go to buy clothes. But I don't feel like ranting about that right now, I'd rather focus my energies on praying that dinner will be ready soon.

No word yet on the job I applied for...and no idea when I'll have word. But I'll keep you all posted, no worries.

Friday, April 07, 2006

Shopping shopping!

So I promised Mom that I wouldn't do any shopping before she got here because we're going to go together next week.


I was inspired by my dear friend Emily (you little enabler, you). She went shopping yesterday before grammar and came back with three of the cutest shirts I have ever seen. Of course, I had to go check out the store today. I've walked by it a million times in the mall but never gone inside because it looked too expensive. But it's not!! The store is called Promod and they're on the web if you want to check them out.

So here's what I got:

And one other shirt that I can't find on their website. And that's really too bad, because it's my favorite one. It's a brown halter with beads and embroidery and stuff. Way cool. And I got a bracelet that goes with all 3 tops. I really did need to go shopping (sure, sure, I can hear you all saying). It's true. I was taking stock of my closet the other day and everything that I have that's for warm weather looks like crap on me. Either it's just a tiny bit too short, or it's fading, or it just doesn't fit quite right. I don't want to be uncomfortable in my own clothes for the rest of the semester.

There. That's my justification and I'm sticking to it.

I need to go take care of my laundry now. Seeing as I have nothing left to do all day, I'll probably scrap and maybe work on the new typepad blog. I hope to launch that in a little over a week, so stay tuned!

A bientôt!

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Thankful Thursday

It's that time again! I missed it last week because I was lazy and also because I had a lot of stuff to take care of before the weekend en Provence. But I did it this week! This week's theme is spring. It's approaching...or rather, it's trying really, really hard to approach. Somehow winter keeps bludgeoning spring away. It's kind of irritating, really. One day it'll be gorgeous, the next I'll leave the house bundled up in my winter coat and scarf. But the important thing is that it's almost spring weather. Hopefully it'll be warm for when Mom's here.

I don't really remember what I used for fonts and stuff. If you have a burning desire to know what my supplies were, email me or leave a comment.

And speaking of! I am so thrilled that so many people have responded to my call for affirmations. Even people that I don't know. It's really touching, seriously. Even though there aren't a whole lot of comments posted here, I've had people email or message me wishing me well and saying that they're keeping me in their thoughts. Thank you!! My resume and cover letter got sent on their merry way today. I think they'll do just fine. But I will keep you all posted, no worries.

Well that's about it for me tonight. I don't really have anything else interesting to talk about because I was in class all day today. Oh, yes, I know what else...I'M ON VACATION NOW! Wanna hear something really funny? Of course you do. When my host parents came home tonight, they asked how my day was. I said that it was really good because my vacation started after my last class today. My host dad gave me a quizzical look and said, "This whole year is a vacation for you."


It's funny cause it's true.

I'm going to sleep now.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Just say no to endive salad

Seriously, this stuff is nasty. I don't know how you can eat it without making a face. That's what happens to me whenever I try. My host parents went out for the night and I was really looking forward to making dinner. I was going to make pasta. Mmmm pasta. Well, I guess they felt bad about leaving me alone for dinner, so my host mom made something before she left. She heated up some frozen crêpes-in-a-box. She also put out the leftover endive salad from last night. Ugh. I figured that if I smothered it with dressing, I'd be ok.


Still disgusting.

So now I'm eating my boxed crepes and dipping the bread in the salad dressing. I'm not sure what to do with the salad. I'll probably scrape it into the trash and cover it with a napkin or something so they don't see. Man, I wish we had a garbabe disposal. That would make my life so much easier.

Enough about my dinner.

I did a layout for the first time in a week! I really like it. It's totally graphic, I didn't use any embellies at all. I think it looks like a magazine layout. I attempted to do something cool like adding shadows so it really looked like a two-page magazine spread, but then realized I'm not yet that talented. So much for that lol. Here is what I could do, however:

Man, I am so not feeling these crêpes. She made me 4 and I've eaten one.

Anyway, I think I might have some homework to do for tomorrow. I should check on that. If not, I need to start packing my duffel bag for Mom to take home. Last time when I flew Air Berlin, I had to pay 50 euro to get all my luggage on the plane. I am unloading as much as possible while Mom is here to get the costs down. I'll still probably have to pay at least 40, but we'll see.

I'm gonna go do something mildly productive and hopefully work up an appetite to finish these crêpes. I might need an affirmation for that too haha.


Ok everybody, I have a favor to ask.

I'm currently applying for summer jobs. Something has come up that I am reeeeaaaally interested in. I don't want to go into detail, but trust me, it's a pretty sweet gig. I am in the process of affirming to myself that I am qualified and will get the job, but it wouldn't hurt to have other people doing the same thing.

So here's what I need.

Just say this to yourself a couple times:

Alexis is well-qualified and will be hired.

That's all. You may be rather skeptical, but if I believe that there are other people out there rooting for me, it makes it that much easier to believe in myself.

In the meantime, I have stuff to do. I've been tweaking my resume and writing a cover letter all morning and I need to double check with some people that I can indeed use them as a reference. Lots of preparation, and the affirmations are part of that. As Julia Cameron says in The Artist's Way: pray to catch the bus, and then run like hell.

That's what I'm doing. Wish me luck.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Of cabbages and kings

I decided to put everything that I did this weekend in one post and then do a separate post about what has happened since then just for your convenience, dear readers.

Do you want the good news or the bad news first? I'll give you the bad news because I'd rather end the post on a happy note.

I registered for classes yesterday, which in and of itself is not a bad thing. I was able to register for everything I wanted except photography. I was still waiting on an email from the professor because I don't have the prerequisite. At my school, you have to take a basic into art class before you can take photography. I'm taking photo here, so I didn't think it would be a problem to get signed into the class.

I was wrong.

The prof sent me a rather snooty email saying that if he let in everyone that didn't have the prerequisite, no art majors would ever be able to take the course. So, no, there's nothing he can do.


If I had no experience with photo, then I would understand. I would be sad, but I would accept his reasoning. But I'm taking photo now and this is potentially something I want to spend the rest of my life doing. I'm going to talk to my photo prof today and see if there's anything she can do. I suspect there isn't. I've heard that he can be a not-so-nice person at times, and that's being EXTREMELY diplomatic. I'm consoling myself by saying that even if I can't take photo, I can still work in the darkroom with the photo club. Plus, I had a contingency plan just in case I didn't get in - I registered for the prerequisite. That way, I'll definitely be able to take photo in the spring, scheduling permitting. So, yeah, I was quite disappointed, but I'm trying to look at it in a positive way. If I can't take photo, at least I'll have the prerequisite. And I'll learn stuff in that class. That will definitely be challenging for me. and challenge is good, right?

Anyway, on to the fun stuff.


Woo hoooooo!!! I cannot tell you how exciting I am. I want to send out a great big THANK YOU to Ryan and Will for handling all this stuff while my future housemate and I are abroad. Will told me that when they got to room selection, they had all their stuff so organized and Ryan is so tight with the ladies that were running it that they got ushered through the line and got to draw FIRST!! They picked the apartment that's closest to campus, I believe. They've assured me it's in a super location and I don't doubt them. Wanna see some pictures? Of course you do!


And why yes, that IS a fullsize bed you see! Good bye, extra long twin!

ultra cool doorlock

track lighting...sweet

is this kitchen amazing or what?

the apartment's obviously not finished yet, but it will be!

How awesome is that. I am super psyched for next year. It is such a relief to have room selection AND registration completed (mostly) successfully.

Ok, this has been a big blogging morning, and now I should actually get some stuff done. I unexpectedly gained a whole morning because my fiction professor called me at 8am to tell me that he couldn't make it to class today. There's a big strike again, surprise surprise, and there are no buses running where he lives.

I'm not sure exactly what to do this morning, but it'll probably involve laundry and maybe some scrapping. We'll see, I guess.

Until I post again you should look at the apartment pictures and floorplans. Because that's probably what I'm going to be doing.

Better late than never

...right? That's the theory, anyway.

Well, I'm back! I have SO much to talk about but I guess I'd better start from the beginning. I've broken it up into sections so if you don't really care about what I did this weekend, just skip down a bit.

~En Provence~

We arrived at the train station between 6:30 and 7am. Yikes, that was a little bit early. We had 2 people not make it, unfortunately, even though the train left almost an hour late. We are all so exhausted that we fell asleep once the train started moving and dozed pretty much the whole 2 1/2 hours. I adore the TGV (train de grand vitesse = really freakin' fast). One of the professors told me it goes almost 250mph. So yeah, we got pretty far in 2 1/2 hours. After we got of the train we switched to a bus and everyone fell asleep again. We were tired. We got off in some little town called Orange, I think. The whole weekend was so long and we spent so much time on the bus and visiting little towns that it all sort of blended together. We saw a mini Arc de Triomphe. That was kind of cool, but we were all sort of like, eh. We've seen the real one. Back on the bus, head to Arles. We visited a huge Roman theater that could hold several thousand people. It was pretty impressive, I have to say. We all got these little audioguide things so we could listen to a British woman with a soothing voice talk about the theatre. I abandoned her and wandered around taking pictures. I took almost an entire roll while we were there. You'll get to see some of the pictures eventually.

After that we went to the Pont du Gard. It was BEAUTIFUL there. The weather was gorgeous all weekend, but it was downright hot at the Pont. Of course, NONE of us had brought swimsuits. Gilles (I'll explain more about Gilles later, he might require another post all of his own) the history professor was mad at us because we didn't bring our suits. We asked our housing director why nobody had told us there would be a place to swim.

"Oh, the weather looking like it was going to be bad, so I didn't think you'd need them."

ARRRGHH. That was irritating. Most people waded in the river. All the boys (2 students, Gilles, and our director) actually went swimming. That was entertaining.

Ok, this is where I should explain about Gilles. He is of indeterminite age. We think he's in his 40s but it's kind of hard to tell. He is SO boring when he's trying to teach you something, but he is absolutely HILARIOUS when you're not in class. He is French - very French. He has no problem stripping down to his underwear and then changing into a bright red speedo not too far away from where our entire program is sitting. When asked about Gilles propensity for not wearing pants, our director shrugged and said very simply, "Il aime d'etre nu." (he likes to be nude)

But I digress. After basking in the sun by the side of the river, we all got back on the bus and headed back to the Abbey where we were going to be spending the next two nights. Yes, an Abbey, and there were monks there. Surprisingly enough, the rooms were really nice. Two to a room, a private bathroom and shower in each room, twin beds, and extra blankets and pillows. Not exactly luxurious, but if you had seen the hostel we stayed at in Normandy...let's just say we were overjoyed at the accommodations.  We ate dinner at the Abbey. We were rather frightened at the prospect of authentic French food, but it was actually pretty amazing. Per usual, we  ran through our repetoire of French drinking songs with Gilles. Sadly, I wasn't able to really enjoy it because I had had a headache for most of the day. Red wine isn't so good for headaches, so I just had water. French drinking songs are not so entertaining when you're sloshing around a glass of water. Shortly after dinner: blissful sleep. We'd been up for a heckuva long time.


Up early. Unnecessarily early. We were all ready for 7:30 but it turns out the Abbey doesn't start serving breakfast until 8. Man, if you want to piss off a crowd of college students, rob them of half an hour of sleep. If we hadn't been so tired we would've started a manif right there. That's probably why they keep us on such a tight schedule - we're more docile when we're overtired.

After breakfast we hopped back on the bus and went to Arles, another tiny town that looks just as fake as every other small town in the south of France. We visited another theater that was not nearly as impressive as the first and were then cut loose for a good part of the afternoon. There was an absolutely fabulous market going on while we were there. We wandered for so long, sampling the jams and other stuff that the vendors had out to entice you to buy stuff.  It would have worked if I hadn't been trying to save money. There was sooooo much cool stuff there,  I really wanted to buy presents for people. But alas, I am a poor college student. Anywhoo.

When our free time was up we visited some church. Honestly, we've been to so many cathedrals and churches that I really can't keep them straight or remember specific details about any of them. So, forgive me for not giving more information about the church.

We drove through a wildlife preserve on our way to the next town. Did you know that there are flamingos in the south of France? Neither did I. Did you know that flamingos can fly? I didn't know that either. I did enjoy the wildlife preserve but it was a rather harrowing experience quand même. Gilles kept instructing the bus driver to pull over so we could look at herons and bulls and flamingos and cowboys. In the process I swear to god we almost tipped the bus over. He had her drive onto the shoulder of the road which was really just a glorified marsh right next to the water. SO scary. And then everybody was running to that side of the bus to look at stuff. Eeeeee I was nervous and somewhat relieved when we finally left.

After that it was off to La Camargue, a small town on the Golfe du Beauduc that reminded one of my friends of the Jersey shore. I wandered around and took some pictures, we got ice cream, and then sat on the beach for a while and watched as some very brave (or maybe dumb, sometimes it's hard to tell lol) people from our group went swimming. This was when Gilles was wandering around with no pants on. It was so bizarre. He got out of the water, wrapped a towel around himself, and changed under that. He put on his shirt and then his sweater (which thankfully was pretty long) and then went around and picked up the rest of his stuff WITHOUT PUTTING ON HIS PANTS. We were all sitting there  shielding our eyes but we couldn't help but look. One girl said that it was like driving by a car crash - you don't want to look and you know you're probably going to be scarred for life but you do it anyway.

It's always an adventure with Gilles.

When he'd finally put his pants back on, we got back on the bus and went to dinner. Again, a potentially scary dining experience that turned out really well. Wow,  our group got smashed. I wasn't drinking again, but man...all the other tables? Whew. Our table was pretty sober, but after dinner was over you could really see it in the other people.

When we finally got back to the Abbey most of us crashed, although I heard rumors of some people staying up til 3 and finishing off a bottle (if not more) of wine that they had bought earlier in the day.

Up bright and early again! Sunday was the day we visited the Baux de Provence, which are huge cliffs with a castle on top. I was pretty frightened being up there on these narrow, twisty road in a huge tour bus, especially since there were no guardrails. I missed a lot of the views on the way up because I refused to open my eyes. I have a thing about heights like that. One we got out of the bus and climbed to the top on foot, I was much better. It was so beautiful up there and amazingly enough the weather was STILL cooperating with us. We didn't spend too much time there because we were on a tight schedule and we had to get to Glanum. Isn't that the weirdest name? Doesn't really sound French to me. Anyway, we went there to visit an archeological site. I'm pretty certain it was a Roman city or temple or something like that, but don't quote me. That was pretty cool even though it wasn't terribly exciting. We were all getting pretty hungry and a little tired of all the history lectures, so I'm sure some of it was wasted on us.

When we were done there we headed to Avignon, which is not nearly as pretty as you'd think. Honestly, I didn't like it. Turns out my host mom hates Avignon. I guess I can see why, there wasn't a whole lot there except the Palais de Papes, and the town itself isn't very nice. I think the most entertaining part of the whole visit was lunch. I went to a restaurant with Emily and Leslie and me and Emily got crêpes for dessert. The menu said the ingredients were apples, ice cream, nuts, and something unknown to us in French or English. We shrugged and ordered it anyway.

Turns out the mystery ingredient is calvados. Does that sound familiar to anyone?

If not let me enlighten you. Calvados is a kind of alcohol that makes your crêpe taste like somebody has poured nailpolish remover into it. Ugh. It was all concentrated in the center of my crêpe so I didn't notice until the very end, thankfully. I would've been pissed off if I paid that much for a crêpe that tasted like nailpolish remover.

Did you know there's a room in the Palais des Papes that's called the Jesus Room?

That was the most interesting part of that visit.

After that we went to the train station and went home. It was a good weekend, but a long weekend. Kind of like this post. Bravo to you if you made it all the way through.