Friday, February 03, 2006

Take Note

This is an amazing book. Buy it.

The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron

My copy arrived yesterday, two weeks early and much to my surprise. I started reading and could not put it down. I finished the entire book in 3 1/2 hours, then re-read the introduction and chapter one this morning. Reading the description on Amazon, it does sound kind of corny. I admit that. But just read it. Trust me, ok?

It's not just about being an artist or whatever. It's about enabling yourself to achieve your goals, whatever they may be, and giving yourself permission to do whatever it is that you truly want to do.

Do yourself a favor and either check this book out of the library or buy yourself a copy.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good morning from America, wet, soggy, snow disappearing, what kind of a winter is this? New England. OK, I am hooked, now I have to buy the book, and it is all your fault. Well actually it is my fault because I need a swift kick in my "what happened to my creativity" butt. You should become an author, your book would be so entertaining, like Travels with Alexis, what an original title.

2:52 PM  

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